Approved raw Pet Foods, is the perfect marriage of a lifetime's experience in expertise in meat manufacturing and a lifetimes experience in rearing, feeding and training dogs.
The brainchild of Ciaran Sweeney with over 35 years expertise in the food industry, he first began to examine the notion or developing fresh and raw recipes for pets after adopting his dog Tyler from his local dog rescue.

Through his business network he was introduced to Darren Hand who has been feeding fresh meat minces to his dogs since he got his first pedigree dog in 1985. Darren had recently rescued his Rottweiler Morgan and had charted the improvement in his very poor condition through making his own food through sourcing it in local supermarkets.
With Ciaran's expertise in sourcing the freshest meats and producing the highest quality foods partnered with Darren's innate knowledge over 30 years of breeding, owning, training and more importantly feeding his own dogs, a company was formed.
This started a two year research project to set about a new model of raw pet food manufacturing, becoming Ireland's first approved manufacturing plant, developing Europe's first approved guaranteed traceability system from farm to bowl, and becoming Europe's first pet food manufacturer to use approved, independent laboratory testing on every batch, Approved Raw Pet foods was borne.
Approved Raw Pet Foods is not a story based on hard luck, its a good luck story!
Its a story of two dogs who have never met, both with a not so good start to their story, but both with great endings.
Tyler is the Daddy of the story, smaller in stature as a Gundog Cross Breed, he was rescued by Ciaran and brought to a loving home. He was literally the luckiest dog in the pound that day....he was rescued by a butcher!
Ciaran (and Tyler) noticed improvements in his condition whenever he fed him fresh meats, Ciaran began to research and develop different recipes to suit him, and Tyler loved it. This led to our company name...."Tylers Tasty Meals"
Around this time, Morgan (a Rottweiler X) came into the world, and at 5 weeks, he was rescued by Darren. He was quite literally the luckiest dog in the pound that day, he was rescued by an expert in dog care and nutrition! Darren began to improve his condition by home making meals for Morgan, and he loved it.
When Ciaran met Darren, the research and development increased, and the product and development team of Tyler and Morgan became a story of two of the luckiest dogs on the planet...their owners were dog food manufacturers, and they were the test team!
Tyler has shown what a raw diet can do for a dog growing older in years maintaining clean teeth, luxurious coat and excellent health.
Morgan has grown on our foods from a twelve week old pup to a 57kg Adult, helping him recover from surgeries from his bad start in life and thriving into the strong healthy happy dog he is today.
Approved Raw Pet Foods...a story of humble beginnings, yet excellent outcomes, all thanks to two rescues, Tyler and Morgan